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Datos bibliográficos de arañas (Orden Aranae) en la Península Ibérica. Sólo se ha incluido hasta el momento la familia Araneidae, con 1700 registros, alrededor del 10 % de la base de datos.

Información general
Puntos fuertes


Cómo citar

Morano, E. & Cardoso, P. (2011). Iberian spider catalogue (v2.0). Available online at http://www.ennor.org/iberia

Restricciones de uso

The authors will not be held responsible for the reliability of identifications or coordinate precision.
The authors will not be held responsible by the use given to the data.
Data cannot be used for profit activities. Use of the data for commercial or for-profit applications are permitted only via written permission from the authors.
Data are provided on an end-user basis. That is, data are provided to users, but should not be passed on to third parties or redistributed. It is explicitly forbidden to incorporate the data into other databases.
Proper acknowledgment of the data source is expected. The data use implies explicit acknowledgement which should be kept with any subsequent use of the data.
Data are provided under the understanding that it will not be used in prejudice to wild species and ecosystem balance.
Absence of a record does not always mean absence of a particular species from a particular point in space and time. Because biodiversity sampling is notoriously spotty, biased, and incomplete, understanding the positive-only nature of the data is critical to their proper use.
If you want to use a large part of the dataset for your own work (e.g. data for an entire family), or for special data use requests, contact Pedro Cardoso at: pcardoso (at) ennor.org.



Cobertura taxonómica
Nombres científicos


Nombres comunes


Cobertura geoespacial

Península Ibérica.

Periodo de recolección


Tipos de recurso

algunos datos de colecciones, datos bibliográficos.

Número de ejemplares / registros


Número de especies


¿Incluye material tipo?


Mapa de especímenes
Estadísticas de uso: Descarga de datos (fuente: GBIF.ORG)

El proceso de carga de datos puede tardar unos segundos

Recursos relacionados
  • Cardoso, P. & Morano, E. (2010). The Iberian spider checklist (Araneae). Zootaxa, 2495: 1-52.
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