
The garden of butterflies of Hort del Gat is a place where authochthonous butterflyes can fly and reproduce freedom and having all the necessary to live. Between the species that it is possible to found are: Papilio machaon, Iphiclides podalirius, Charases jasius, Vanessa atalanta, Colias crocea, Pieris brassicae, Zygaena spp., Acherantia atropo, Danaus chryssipus, etc.

Overall information

The study of Rophalocera (Lepidoptera) in Alicante province.

Usage restrictions

Restrictions will be determined by the direction in all cases.

Access restrictions

People nor related to TAFAE previously must ask permission to study the collection to the direction of TAFAE through it president.

Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names


Common names

Arthropods, butterflies.

Geospatial coverage

East of the Iberian Peninsula.

Datasets of the collection/database
Types of objects

Complete organisms.

Types of datasets


Conservation method

Without treatment.

Documentation status

No inventariada / No inventory

Does it include Type specimens?


Related Resources
    Web Resources
      Access to data
      • N/A