
This institution does no longer exist (updated on 02/14/2023).

The Safari Park El Vergel has 32 hectares of extension. The public can visit three zones of the Safari in their particular car. This mainly zones are: african herbivores, tigers and lions areas. There are another area of smaller facilities to visit on foot. It is reamarkable in this place a great aviario for big african ciconiforms. In general, the most of the Safari’s fauna is african, but there are also a representation of indian, european and australian faunas. The whole land settles on a natural moor that is integrated in a protected area by the European Union legislation.

1- Private company that looks for generate a sustainable volume of visitors and to promote the knowledge and sensibility toward animals.

2-To take part in projects of conservation as much the national sphere (iberian Lynx projects) as European EEPs (European Endangered Species) ones (asian elephant projects).

– To study the Etology and resolution of conflicts in animal groups.

– Main clinical pathologies in great felines.

– Comparison and animal answer to the use of anesthetics.

– Studies of adaptation and animal conflicts generated in facilities for big herbivores.

Overall information

See description.


See description.

Usage restrictions

The use of animals for exhibitionists or circus. To visit animal facilities without justified scientifical purposes and without authorization by the Department od Zoology.

Access restrictions

For visitors: to buy tickets. For researchers: 1- making an appointment to the department of Zoology, 2- through agreements with other zoological centers. It is necessary to fulfill the habitual protocols of security in the handling of animals.

Taxonomic coverage
Scientific names

algunos/as Aves, algunos/as Mammalia, algunos/as Reptilia.

Common names

algunos/as aves, algunos/as mamíferos.

Geospatial coverage

principalmente Africa, algunos/as Australia, algunos/as Europa, algunos/as India, algunos/as Sudamérica.

Temporal location
Temporal coverage

todo(s) taxón existente.

Resources from the collection