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The CSIC-RJB-BGVMA Seed Bank preserves 3265 accessions numbers of natural source, mainly from the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Region. The seeds are stored in optimal conditions that ensure their long term viability. The seeds are conserved -10ºC and 5-7% humidity. The staff from the CSIC-RJB, carry out field trips to collect new material. The BGVMA is dedicated to promoting the conservation, sustainable use, and research of biological diversity within the Convention on Biological Diversity of 1992 and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Some of the objetives include the ex situ conservation of 60% of the endangered Spanish flora.

Overall information

The Seed Bank (BGVMA) was founded in 1982 to conserve wild species from the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Region that can be dried and frozen. Actually the priorities are: 1. Endemic, threatened and rare species from the Iberian Peninsula. 2. All species from the Amarillydaceae, Iridaceae and Liliacea Families. 3. Endemic, threatened and rare species and species from the 6 LIC zones within the Community of Madrid.


1. Seed conservation of endemic, threatened and rare species from the Iberian Peninsula and Mediterranean area. 2. To study viability and germination methods.

How to cite

CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Banco de Germoplasma Vegetal (CSIC-RJB-BGVMA)

Access restrictions

Se actuará conforme a las decisiones de la Convención sobre Diversidad Biológica de 1992 (CBD), la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de especies en vías de extinción (CITES) y al Protocolo de Nagoya.

Common names

The collection includes species from the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands and some others countries of the Mediterranean area. Also species from the Amarillydaceae, Iridaceae and Liliaceae Families.

Geospatial coverage

Iberian Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands and some others countries of the Mediterranean area.

Temporal location
Temporal coverage


Datasets of the collection/database
Types of objects

Seeds, fruits.

Conservation method

Mainly frozen and dry.

Nº of copies / records


Documentation status

En soporte electrónico / In electonic form

Nº of species


Percentage of computerization

100 %

Percentage of georeferenced registers

80 %

Does it include Type specimens?


Related Resources
  • Index Seminum
Access to data
  • N/A